SAP Security & GRC made easy

SAP Security Tables

Security Tables

Usr*     - tables that contains User Master information

Agr*    - tables that contains Roles information

USH*   - tables that contains change documents history

Below tables can be accessed with SE16 Tcode.

USR* Tables

USR01 - User Master data

USR02 - Logon Data

USR04 - User Master authorization

USR06 - License Data

USR10 - Authorization profiles

USR40 - Illegal passwords

USGRP - User groups

AGR* Tables

AGR_USERS - Assignments of roles to the users

AGR_1250     - Authorization data for the activity group

AGR_1251     - Authorization object in roles

AGR_1252     - Organizational elements for authorizations

AGR_AGRS  - Roles in composite role

AGR_DEFINE- Role definition

AGR_PROF - Profile name for role

AGR_OBJ    - Assignments of menu nodes to role

AGR_TCODES - Assignments of roles to tcodes

AGR_TXT - Role and text

AGR_Time - Time stamp for role(including profile)

AGR_HIER - role menu transaction details

USH* Tables

USH02 - change history for logon data

USH04 - change history for authorizations

USH10 - change history for authorization profiles

USH12 - change history for authorization values

Other Tables

UST04 - User profiles

UST10C - Composite profiles

USER_ADDR -  Address data for the users

T000  - List of defined clients

TSTC - List of Tcodes

E070 - stores information about transport requests and tasks

TPARA - List of parameter ID's

TACT - Available activities in SAP system

TOBJ - Authorization objects

TDDAT - Table authorization group to table relation

TBRG - Table authorization groups

TRDIR - program to authorization group relation

USOBT - relation transaction to auth object

USOBX - check table for table USOBT

USOBT_C - relation transaction to auth object(customer)

USOBX_C - check table for table USOBT_C

ADR6 - Update E-mail address