SAP R3 Architecture

 SAP(Systems,Applications & Products in Data processing) as a company started 1972 in Waldroff,Germany.

They started with R1 architecture.

* R stands for Real Time(online) - meaning there is no time lag between the updates.

*1 stands for 1 tier or 1 layer - > Database

1979 - R2 Architecture

* R stands for Real Time(online)

*1 stands for 1 tier or 1 layer - > Presentation Layer - SAP GUI

*2 layer - Database Layer

1992 - R3 Architecture

*1st layer - Presentation Layer

*2nd layer - Application Layer(processing data,acts a interface,a processing machine between DB & P)

*3rd layer - Database Layer

Application Layer 

-> Process


Process :

1. Dialog - All the interactions between users and systems, 600 milliseconds(threshold 0.6sec is taken for every action)Not every task is completed between 0.6sec so more than that it is used under background.

2. Background - Long duration activities and recurring activities

3. Spool - Printer related activities.

4. Update - updating activities (create,update or delete data)

5. Enqueue - Following Queue while updating DB else dead lock situation occurs . Ensuring updates are done by done

Services :

Message - Is used for load balancing among the application servers.

Gateway - Communication channel between 2 SAP Systems or 1 SAP and 1 Non SAP(oracle ,informatica) .

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