SAP Security & GRC made easy

GRC Implementations

Installation of SAP GRC
- creating the connectors
- configuring the AMF to use connectors
- creating call back connectors
- creating connections in GRC is standard process of creating RFC    connection using T-code SM59

Post installation steps ------- 7 (GRC 10.0,10.1,12.0)
1. Client copy
2. activate the bc sets
3. activate the application in the clients
4. activate the services into the client
5. create the initial ABAP user
6. perform the automatic workflow
7. perform the task-specific customizing

Step 1Tcode- SCC4 is used to define the client copy

 click on the new entries

  1. Enter basic details as given below.
  • Client number & description
  • City to which client Belongs (etc, NY-New York)
  • Logical system may be <SID>CLNT<Client Number>
  • Std Currency may be (etc EUR)
  • Client roles may be Customizing, Demo, Training/Education, Production, etc..
  1. Enter your client specific data and set permission for the clients as per your requirement
  2. Save
  3. Press F3 to come back to SCC4

Step 2 - Execute tcode - SPRO (SAP Project reference object) is used to configure the SAP system as per client's requirements.

click on SAP reference IMG

 Activating the applications in client.

 choose New Entries

-> Click the row and select the GRC solutions required for the         Project.
-> Then click on the active check box
-> Click Save.

Step 3: Call transaction SICF 

Click on execute

Expand the node default_host-----> sap ------>public
Right click and choose Activate service
choose Activate service for all sub nodes

proceed likewise with the node default_host---->sap---->bc
activate all subnodes too

activate the node default_host----->sap----->grc
also activate all subnodes

Step 4 : Activating the BC sets
BC sets can be activated via tcode - SCPR20

- By calling SPRO again

- click SAP reference IMG
- click existing BC sets in the next screen

select a BC set 
click BC sets for activity

From the menu choose goto ---> Activation transaction

It can be even activated through tcode - SCPR20

Activate the corresponding BC sets

Proceed likewise for all required PC, RM and/or AC BC sets
For a complete list of BC sets please refer to the PC/RM/AC install guide!

After clicking activation, a pop up appears -----> prompt for customizing request/workbench request

click continue

Always goto Expert mode while activating

Step 5: creating the initial ABAP user by tcode SU01
assign roles SAP_GRAC_BASE and SAP_GRAC_ALL to this user.

Step 6: perform the automatic workflow

Execute tcode- SPRO --->SAP reference IMG--->under governance,risk and compliance ----> click on workflow -----> perform the automatic workflow

  1. Maintain runtime environment
  2. Maintain definition environment
  3. Maintain additional settings and services
  4. Classify tasks as general
  5. Guided procedures
Each event should be in green tick mark and each event has sub events and should ensure all there are also in green tick mark.

Note : you might need to create a transport request

Step 7: perform the task-specific customizing

To activate workflow and tasks, follow Customizing menu path SPRO > SAP Reference IMG > SAP Customizing Implementation Guide > Governance, Risk and Compliance > General Settings > Workflow > Perform Task Specific Customizing. Click the execute icon beside Perform Task-Specific Customizing to open the screen 

Click on Assign agents